Winter Pruning
When I began writing this article the weather was quite lovely. The sun had been shining and it seemed like a great opportunity to get some pruning done. And now, we’ve had snow and are waiting for the temps to rise. Regardless of our weather, Winter is a great time to prune especially for deciduous trees and shrubs. The benefits of winter pruning is that their leaves are gone and you can see the branching structure more clearly. They are dormant and you have time before your other garden tasks kick into gear for the Spring.
The question often asked is when is a good time to prune. The answer is, anytime! The better question to ask is how do I properly prune? We can all use loppers and shears but are you getting the desired effect while keeping in mind the health of the plant? Are you pruning just because you think you should, or are you actually taking in the beauty and longevity of the plant?