Guest Blog: Backyard Bird Sanctuaries
Feathering the Nest: Expert Tips for creating a Backyard Bird Sanctuary by Ryan Castillo featuring Little Bird Gardens. If you are passionate about birdwatching and want to create a haven for our feathered friends, then this is a great read! Enjoy.

Summer Gardening
It’s a great time for planting, mulching, watering, deadheading, weeding, watering, and watering again. Here are a few things to remember for your gardens this Summer including choosing the right plants and dealing with pests as the days get warmer!

Spring Gardening
Spring is an invigorating time for all those projects we dreamt about during Winter. Enjoy this blog as seen in our local paper The Vashon Loop. Come stroll our gardens and let's talk about your ideas! We are always happy to make referrals to local growers, and help you with all your garden needs.

Winter Gardening
We don’t let a little snow stop us from going into our gardens, but we sure do enjoy the quiet moments of Winter on Vashon. Working in our Winter gardens supports the emergence of a healthy and lush Spring. There is still time to mulch, plant, and prune your garden to enhance its beauty, synergize it with our natural world, and prepare for the next season.

Leaving Your Leaves
The Great Fall Has Come! Preparing for winter is an important process for us gardeners, and cleanup is vital. But we want to remember, in our haste to pull every weed and remove unnecessary debris, that some things are better left unattended. Leaves still have a job to do when they fall.

Essentials for Fall Planting

Bees in your Gardens

Perennials & Pollinators

Invasive Plants

Why Native Plants

Planting Dahlias

Favorite Winter Interests

Tool Care

Planting Bulbs for Spring

Wise Watering

Hello Spring!

Winter Pruning
As I began writing this article the weather had been quite lovely, the sun had been shining and what a great opportunity to get some pruning done. And now, we’ve had snow and wait for the temps to rise. Regardless,…

Autumn Garden Tips
As the leaves start to fall and Autumn sets in, one might think that the gardening season is over, but now is the time you can be most creative and reap the benefits come spring. Here are the 9 best gardening tips for Fall.

It’s Time To Do Some Fall Planting!
Many trees, shrubs and perennials benefit from fall planting. While the soil is still warm and lower temperatures are on the way, planting in the fall has shown to promote strong root development and successful establishment of plants…