Winter Gardening
“Rain or shine, wind or snow, Vashon is an island of garden enthusiasts passionate about our plants!”
— Little Bird Gardens
I love gazing out on my winter garden, especially when little birds flit around in search of seeds and insects, available in abundance, as so much of what I do in my garden accommodates these precious pollinators. My perennials are cut back in varying lengths to provide cavity-dwelling bees and beneficial insects a safe home to overwinter. My garden beds are covered with leaf mulch providing nutrients from my bare trees. And as the bulbs I planted last Fall start peeking out of the soil, I am filled with joy and a sense of satisfaction for the time and effort I put into my garden spaces before the first frost. These moments motivate me to keep going into my Winter Garden. Working in our Winter gardens supports the emergence of a healthy and lush Spring. There is still time to mulch, plant, and prune your garden to enhance its beauty, synergize it with our natural world, and prepare for the next season.
One task that is never too late to perform is mulching. Mulching increases soil fertility and helps to keep tender plants safe from freezing temperatures. If you have a lot of leaves, rake them up and cover your garden beds or use them to keep vulnerable plants warm. If you don’t have an abundance of leaves, you can cover tender plants with straw, fir boughs, frost cloth, or even an old sheet. Using frost protection increases the warmth of the air underneath and prevents more delicate plants from freezing. Frost often comes later in the season or right as our plant is going to bloom in early Spring. Even winter-hardy Camellias can benefit from the use of frost cloth protection. In addition, raking your leaves into small mounds or shredding for mulch layers throughout your garden creates natural habitats for small reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. The pupae of butterflies and moths will also use leaves for overwintering, as will swallowtail and other moth larvae. And birds will pilfer through the leaves in search of insects.
We have all heard that Fall is the best time to plant. However, there is time for winter planting in Vashon (zone 8b). If it is mild enough, planting can happen. Winter is a great time to see where our gardens lack substance. If the ground isn’t frozen, get that plant into the dirt and add mulch for warmth. The plant will be much happier there than in a pot. Roots of trees need 4-6 weeks to get established. Since most plants are dormant during the Winter, they will have time to settle into their new growing space and are less likely to suffer from transplant shock due to the lack of water and high temperatures that happens with summer planting. When planting this time of year, you’ll want to consider plants that will withstand our winter temps (zone 8 or lower). Winter bloomers like Camillia, Hellebore, and Witch Hazel add interest to your winter garden and will support our pollinators as Spring approaches.
Winter is a great time to understand your deciduous trees or shrubs. With the leaves gone, you can see the plant’s structure and any problems that might need attending. I prune roses and fruit trees in early Winter, then move on to ornamentals when I know the danger of frost has passed. Pruning can be done any time of year, but I suggest avoiding extremes like freezing weather or intense heat. I do very little Fall pruning as most plants have been under stress from lack of water, and you don’t want to stimulate late-season growth. I am a colossal advocate for proper pruning. It requires finesse and accurate cuts that will keep your trees and shrubs looking their best natural selves and, more importantly, helps with keeping disease and pests at bay. In an ideal ‘plant world,’ your tree or shrub is planted in a suitable space needed to grow to its natural size, and no pruning is needed other than removing dead or broken limbs for the plant’s health. With correct pruning techniques, your trees and shrubs will require minimal cuts. And in some cases, the proper pruning early in a plant’s life makes less work overtime, every gardener’s dream. So before you go out with your brand-new cutting shears and start hacking away, ask an expert for advice!
Winter can be tough, but it is worth the effort to pull on your boots and rain gear and get outside. It’s good for the earth, and our pollinators, and to me, it’s good for the soul.
In addition to mulching, planting, and pruning, here are a few more Vashon Winter Garden projects we can work on in anticipation of Spring:
Garden Design & Planning
This a great time to think about your space and what plants go where. Consulting with a garden designer on your landscape needs can help you plan, budget, and source materials in time for Spring installation. You can also head into your favorite nursery or speak to your trusted gardener for insights and ideas.
Building Garden Beds and Hardscapes
Adding pathways, fencing, and bed boundaries is a perfect Winter activity. Laying bark pathways and fallen branches as borders make beautiful walking spaces in your landscapes. Building beds or getting planting containers ready with a blanket of warm mulch will make your Spring planting a dream. There are great resources online for getting creative ideas for stone pavers, fencing, seating, and more.
Winter Bird Baths
Birds are the most important pollinators next to bees, and it is a worthy effort to support them during the Winter! Birds can and do melt snow and ice to drink, but this takes extra energy, making them sluggish and more susceptible to predators. If you have a bird bath, put it in an area that gets sun on warm winter days to keep the water liquid. Or make your own bird bath with a large shallow bowl to hold water. Paint the inside a dark color or add a few dark river stones as heat absorbers to help keep the water from turning to ice. It may be obvious to say, but please don’t use electric heaters or anything toxic in or near your bird baths!
I’ve been attending Vashon gardens for the last 20 years, and I can tell you firsthand that there will always be something to do in our landscapes, regardless of the season. So, take heart that Winter is still a great time to get things done and prepare for Spring.
We are super happy to have had an abbreviated version of this blog published in The Vashon Loop in January 2023.
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